• Sean Gugerty Podcast Episode XIII

    House Bill 2191

    So despite many years since its arbitration, this cartoon has survived in explaining the whole political process of a laws creation. However, just because a happy ending occurred for old bill in the video there is no guarantee of success.

  • Government Intervention is For Stupid People

    Government Intervention is For Stupid People

    Due to private companies capitalizing on technology and rapidly deploying AI systems the general public lacks the balls and efficiency to competently and patiently learn these systems and end up being capitalized upon like sheep.

  • https://images2.imgbox.com/4e/a5/gJjwrzFp_o.jpg
  • Sean Gugerty SEO Wordpress

    Sean Gugerty | Tucson SEO

    So in case, you’re wondering where I Sean Gugerty, misplaced his last WordPress blog, its simple. Because Your Tucson SEO buddy learned something new! This new fun fact as a result of how contrary the saying...

  • Internet Transparency Is Taken Not Given

    I'm writing this article because many individuals I encounter fail to realize Internet Transparency Is Taken Not Given. So you might be thinking that limiting your online exposure is a good thing for privacy.

Cox Communications DMCA Policy Safe Harbors Scum

Cox Communications DMCA Policy Safe Harbors Scum Featured Image.

Cox Commuinications DMCA Policy Safe Harbors Scum

Apparently if it is broke make it worse because Cox Communications DMCA Policy Safe Harbors Scum. Many are probably unaware that the 32 billion dollar corporation Cox which is many Americans internet service provider, was sued in February of last year.

This was Due to the plaintiff's unhappiness in regards to their 13 complaint repeat infringement termination policy. According to an article written by By Heather Smith-Carra,

"Ultimately, the Fourth Circuit agreed with the district court’s decision that Cox was not entitled to the safe harbor defense, finding that Cox’s 13-strike policy for repeat infringers was effectively no policy at all, and far less than the termination policy required in order to maintain safe harbor protections."

So After successfully appealing the verdict and weaseling their way out of paying for their negligence, Cox indeed did make a policy change!

The change, However, was not in the benefit or best interest of their userbase! Because who wants to do right by your customer if it costs you money? That's probably why Cox Communications DMCA Policy Safe Harbors Scum!

The policy originally required 13 consecutive violations prior to requiring Cox to terminate a copyright violators internet service. So dodging a bullet in court, rather opting to ensure their clientbase wouldn't encounter such difficulties, they instead reinforced their lack of liability to take action! The new policy in place requires no action whatsoever to be taken EVER! So it is completely at Cox's discretion when and if they'll take action!

"who cares about customer satisfaction, just as long as we can't get sued!"

Having directly dealt with their canned response retardation, my experience is Cox takes about 10 business days to follow up.

The follow-ups received have no thought process behind them. That's because their actions indicate they believe their userbase is stupid. They confirm this when sending a response to customers submitting DMCA Takedown requests indicating they're not responsible and advising they contact the party infringing on their copyright.

So hopefully this article provides America much clarification to the fact Cox very much is responsible for harboring criminality. They aren't unfortunately legally liable to do anything about it however.

If an individual proceeds with legal recourse, advising they obtain resolution through the purported offender is absurd! Furthermore, if the ICANN registry points to your company as the websites origin, who is hosting isn't a factor in liability nor is it negating your ability to take action!

That's Because the infringement is made possible only by Cox allowing their clientbase inbound connections on port 80 and 443. Any end user with basic knowledge of an Apache server knows you can host a website locally on any computer. It is only when an internet source can receive connections that serving websites remotely becomes possible.

Anonymously Identifiable Respond!

Sure, the hacktivist group Anonymous is very much disorganized and has no solidity to their actual directives or purpose. But because Sean Gugerty likes the mask, may as well theme your video around them!


AZFamily Mugshot Slandering

AZ Family Mugshot Slandering weekly lineup.
The 6 AZFamilly Mugshot Slandering Journalists in todays weekly linup are: Briana Whitney, Ashlee Demartino, Cameron Ridle, April Warnecke, Dennis Welch, and Carissa Planalp.
Ashlee Demartino AZFamily Journalist posing for mugshot
Ashlee Demartino AZFamily Journalist posing for mugshot
Briana Whitney AZFamily Journalist posing for mugshot
Briana Whitney AZFamily Journalist posing for mugshot
Cameron Ridle AZFamily Journalist posing for mugshot
Cameron Ridle AZFamily Journalist posing for mugshot
April Warnecke AZFamily Journalist posing for mugshot
April Warnecke AZFamily Journalist posing for mugshot
Dennis Welch AZFamily Journalist posing for mugshot
Dennis Welch AZFamily Journalist posing for mugshot
Carissa Planalp AZFamily Journalist posing for mugshot
Carissa Planalp AZFamily Journalist posing for mugshot

So apparently someone needs to say it, AZFamily Mugshot Slandering on Twitter is out of control! Don't get me wrong, probably every News authority will jump on the bandwagon for detestable crimes.

However, because AZFamily spams mugshots relentlessly, people are getting their futures ruined for the dumbest reasons.

What Junkie Doesn't Like Girlscout Cookies?

So this is a perfect example of ruining someone's chance at a job once reformed. I understand that because Arizona is right next to Mexico that drugs are a huge problem in this demographic.

However, due to drug offenses being non-dangerous, don't you think people deserve a second chance? I'm sure you do, however, due to the arrest record in this individual's name how do you expect them to get a job?


Mugshot Warzone Fireworks

Mugshot War Fireworks

So apparently this week has been Mugshot Warzone FireWorks non stop! The beginning of this skirmish started off because Right2Remove's big takedown firing off a hail mary mail at the FTC Chamberlin's collaborates.

The already under heavy fire Google got a can of gas poured on its head with videos being received proving Google's direct involvement with the extortion industry. As a result, we succeeded in all Adwords campaigns unapologetically being removed by Google.

It doesn't surprise us in the least that they failed to announce this damage control effort. Our advice to Google is you don't have to outrun the bear, just your friend running with you. So let that fella from Vegas go ahead and get mauled! Because nothing says I love you more than smearing a Butterfinger candy bar on his face right before Grizzly impact 😂

Sean Gugerty Story

False Triggering Malware from Tor Exit Tunnel

Because when snitching like a b***h isn't already bad enough, let's send malicious bots from random Tor Exit Tunnels to trigger chrome browser to false report malware. Leave it to criminal Slanderers to take the hard way in life.

I mean just think, peddling porn has minimal obstacles but slandering felons puts your family in danger rofl! So that's totally a way smarter automated avenue to travel down if you're a complete retard 😂

Jason Watson IC3 Blackhat
Black Hat SEO Real World Example of Criminal Jason Watson Triggering False Malware Positive

So I suppose we'll close this off with some memes Because why not add the icing for the cake with some logic in the form of humor! what's even funnier is this dude is potentially about to get popped for several F2s and he's still stalking and hacking 🙄

View post on imgur.com
mugshot warzone fireworks quark parody Watson
mugshot warzone fireworks thomas Keesee Spock and Borg Sahar Sareed
mugshot warzone fireworks Lt Data Jason Watson

Because who doesn’t want useful advice here’s 8 tips for small...

Because who doesn’t want useful advice here’s 8 tips for small businesses! Curated this and many more to come to get ready for 2019 just around the corner. 

One thing I will tell you right now is that all the content that I have used Schema to the max and for every page object, is crushing it.

So whatever know it all buddy told you it’s not a ranking factor, let’s just say whatever it is, it’s a powerhouse!

Furthermore, only 20% of marketers and websites as a whole currently use Schema Markup. 

I guarantee you that is going to change in short order so get it while the getting is good my friends!

Alright! alright! Enough People have asked! I’ll Do it!

Yes, you got a lot coming your way in terms of in-depth content:
  1. SEMRush guest post on, “The Poor Mans Podcast.”
  2. Upcoming weekly Podcasts
  3. Schema Markup Article/Video/Infographic 3 banger!

So add one more to these 8 tips for small businesses, subscribe to Sean’s Youtube channel for killer tutorials and game breaking SEO!

via Tumblr https://ift.tt/2UJXTCe

Government Intervention is For Stupid People

government intervention is for stupoid people
Government Intervention is for stupid people, which is currently in abundance unfortunately.

Due to private companies capitalizing on technology and rapidly deploying AI systems the general public lacks the balls and efficiency to competently and patiently learn these systems and end up being capitalized upon like sheep.

They demand what all stupid people cry for and that is government intervention. That’s one of the major conclusions in a new report issued by AI Now, a research group home to employees from tech companies like Microsoft and Google and affiliated with New York University.

The report examines the social challenges of AI and algorithmic systems, targeting this alleged “the accountability gap” as this technology is integrated “across core social domains.”

What They Advised Idiots to Do:

They put forward ten recommendations, including calling for government regulation of facial recognition (something Microsoft president Brad Smith also advocated for this week)

The white trash web developer says, good luck getting them to answer the phone 😂IF my AI can’t do it, you’re probably burnt!


Chilling Effects AKA Lumen Database Criminally Used For Censorship

Chilling Effects AKA Lumen Database Criminally Used For Censorship Facebook OpenGraph Image

Chilling Effects AKA Lumen Database Criminally Used For Censorship By Jason Watson

So for those unaware, Freedom of Speech is being stolen from millions by Chilling Effects AKA Lumen Database. One of these notorious criminal offenders is Jason Watson because he is desperate to cover his tracks!. Used For Censorship Because having to deal with these criminals really does jade a mans soul!

So if you've ever heard one of these Mugshot Slander Kings provide an explanation for spamming public records they say the 1st Amendment/ Conviently enough however when you attempt to shed light on the matter, they will stop at nothing to censor you.

So if you saw our previous article then you may be aware of a DMCA policy abuse Epidemic that has plagued the internet recently. These exploitations of conglomorate websites generally are as a result of their laziness and automation of policy enforcement.

Part Five of my comprehensive Reputation Management guide Nuke Slandering Slime Balls covers a barrage of exploits these home grown terrorists utilize.

Live Example of Lumen Database Censorship

Because I certainly wouldn't expect you to believe me without some form of proof here is about 130 pieces of content Mr. Watson has attempted to criminally censor.

Jason Watson Convicted DUI Offender, Stalker, and Home Grown Terrorist poses in mugshot.

In some examples Mr. Watson even blatantly lies stating Google should remove my entire website(Which outranked his lol) due to court orders. Interestingly enough Jason Watson has yet to have a single court order served to me.

I think that's because I havn't commited any crimes unless being victimized and stalked is now a federal offense. Jason Watson has also gone beyond using the Luman Database for censorship. He has on two occasions criminally lied to the ICANN database stating I provided false information. That's interesting because I had to on two occasions have his fraudulent address pulled from Google Business.

I understand our country was founded by alleged criminals, but where do we draw the line? I believe right here, where extortion of the innocent and exposure to sexual assault of children is aided! Because America has had enough of these double standard two timing crooks!

Scumbag W Virginia

Scumbag Arizona


Digital Millennium Copyright Act Black Hat

Beware Of Digital Millennium Copyright Act Black Hats!

Because of laziness, rather than making new content, scoundrels exploit Digital Millennium Copyright Act Black Hat strategy. when their opponents outrank them with better content, they simply whine and blow the rape whistle to have them removed.

In the beginning of my web development career, I was terrified of getting sued, After brushing up on the appropriate places to obtain public domain images and media, I researched into copyright law. From what I soon came to find, DMCA court cases are rarely an occurrence.
The reason DMCA court cases are uncommon, is because of what their potential cost is. The average court case averages $110,000. So with that being said, it is very unlikely you will encounter a lawsuit.

However, just because you're not going to get sued doesn't mean you should use copyrighted content.
The reason being, just because you wont get sued, your content, and hard work could be smashed halloweens Jack o Lantern. Being impacted by a DMCA Takedown Request is frustrating and annoying, ESPECIALLY when its bogus and you clearly have fair use!

If you upload copyrighted content onto a Youtube for example, you could suffer consequences! Many people rely upon their income stream from Youtube videos and a DMCA violation could land you 3-6 months without monetization! Worse yet, to many of these claims filed against you and you could be banned!

The problem that I encountered was so much worse than a mere Youtube banning. As a result of the automated handling of DMCA Takedowns, Jason Watson is using them to assault and harass me. The US Support LLC

CEO apparently submits large quantities of erroneous DMCA requests as a black hat strategy. I wont even begin to tell you how many web properties the man has screwed over as a result of this strategy. The only thing one can do is simply pick up the pieces and go on about my day now that prevention measures are in place.

His recent perjury has caught the attention of well known bloggers such as Washington Post writer Eugene Volokh.

Eugene is a UCLA law professor that has strong beliefs in defending the first amendment. Sure, a loophole of the 1st Amendment is what got me into this mess that's true. None the less, I appreciate Mr. Volokh recognizing my right to protest Watson's criminality.

I will conclude with Defcon's 5 part defcon series on the subject. It thoroughly covers the vulnerabilities and the countermeasures should you ever encounter this.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act Black Hat

Stop Mugshot Extortion

Cox Communications DMCA Policy Safe Harbors Scum

Cox Commuinications DMCA Policy Safe Harbors Scum Apparently if it is broke make it worse because Cox Communications DMCA Policy Safe Ha...